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NEW: Out of the Shadows Podcast Episode 3

By Luis Korda - Datei stammt vom Sohn des Fotografen. Dieser lebt in Kuba, hat kein Internet und ist mit mir befreundet. Er hat mich gebeten einen Artikel über seinen Vater anzulegen und dieses Foto zu veröffentlichen., Public Domain,

In our third episode, we have a chat with Michael Poznansky, Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Intelligence Studies at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs of the University of Pittsburgh. Michael's research looks at democracies and covert action, with a specific focus on US foreign policy. In the episode with discuss 'democratic peace theory' - the theory that democracies rarely go to war with one another - democracies' use of covert action, historical cases of covert action conducted by the United States, the relations between domestic and international law and covert action, and recent US practice

Michael's books:

- Michael Colaresi - Democracy Declassified: the secrecy dilemma in national security,

- Peter Kornbluh - The Bay of Pigs Declassified: the secret CIA report on the invasion of Cuba,

- Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin -The World was going our way: the KGB and the battle for the Third World.

Listen to the episode on iTunes, on SoundCloud or by navigating to the Podcast section of this website.

The project is funded by a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award

It aims at establishing a network of ECRs researching covert action in US and UK history and at engaging secondary schools students and teachers.

Let's bring covert action to the classroom.

Project contacts:


Luca Trenta

Department of Political and Cultural Studies

College of Arts and Humanities,

Swansea University,

Singleton Park,




Tel: +441792602633






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